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About us

We dream of becoming a vibrant New Testament Church that is active in serving it's community through the message and power of Jesus Christ.  It's about real-life stories of changed lives. Bethel Christian Fellowship was formed in response to the growing need for a Bible-based fellowship, and outreach-oriented church that has a heart of worship.

We continue today to be relevant to today’s culture while staying true to the Biblical truths beyond denominations with Pentecostal beliefs and experience on which our church was founded. At Present we have people coming from Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, Burlington and Mississauga. We have members from all walks of life, irrespective of denominations and have both Malayalam, English and Hindi worship services.

Our Beliefs

  • The divine authority of  the Holy Bible.

  • One God eternally existing in three distinct persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

  • Deity and humanity of Lord Jesus Christ  in one person with two distinct natures of God (Phil 2:6, Mark 14:61-62, Mark 2:28, Acts 2:36) and Man (Phil 2:8, Luke 19:10)

  • Mankind was created by God (Genesis 1:27), fell into sin through disobedience and that the only way to heaven is by grace through faith in Lord Jesus Christ alone (Romans 5:15).

  • Water baptism by immersion, as an obedient response of the believer to the command of the Lord (Matthew 28:19; Acts 2:38;19:1‐5) and the baptism in the Holy Spirit as a free gift to be received in faith (Acts 1:7, 2:38)

  • In the teaching of the scriptures, fellowship of believers, breaking of bread and prayer as necessary disciplines for Christian growth and maturity (Acts 2:42)

  • Physical return of Lord Jesus Christ and the gathering of his saints. (Acts1:11, 1 Thess 4:16)

  • Everyone will spend eternity consciously and bodily in heaven or hell.

  • Every person was created by God for a greater purpose

  • Every person has unique God given , abilities, strengths and talents

  • Every person is much more than their worst mistake

  • Every person is seen with value and God given potential

  • We are saved by Grace through faith in Jesus Christ. It is a free gift.

We believe in the guidance of Holy Spirit to live life to the fullest and to the best of our ability in serving God and one another.

Image by Rod Long

Our Mission



  • To encourage, love and equip one another to live their best for Him.

  • To expand God's kingdom, to live for His kingdom purposes and in everything to glorify Him.

  • To support and uphold one another through life's journey.


Our church is an open church, for all those seeking God's Love and Forgiveness. We are here to give you Hope in this, sometimes hopeless world.

Our Vision


Our vision is to see many souls saved and spreading the Love of Jesus to others. Our church has a burden to minister to the city of Guelph and surrounding area. This is our mission field. Our heart is to reach out to families, individuals and generations, who are looking for hope, purpose and meaning in their walk of life on this earth. We do not want to see anyone struggling alone on this journey called "Life". We are here for you. We would be humbled if you reach out to us. Our vision is to see every person living life with much Hope, Peace, Strength and the Joy of the Lord! We look forward to meeting you and getting to know you.


If you need prayer for anything, big or small, please reach out to us. We will pray with you and for you and seek God"s face together.

Image by Joshua Earle
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